Vegg makes vegan egg replacers for baking and cooking. Most notably, they make a vegan egg yolk that actually tastes, looks, and smells like the real thing. Seriously.
Their not-so-secret ingredient is kala namak, commonly known as Himalayan black salt; an odorous, pungent salt that smells and tastes like sulphur — that “eggy” taste and smell egg-lovers crave.
Where to Buy
You can find Vegg online or in the vegan/vegetarian section at your local grocery store by searching for retailers near you.
Vegan Products
Egg Replacer
- Vegan Egg Yolk
- Uncaged Baking Mix
- Power Scramble
- French Toast Mix
Check them out on Instagram at @TheVegg
Image credit: @thecheesecakefactory
Yeah, but does it taste good?
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