Kimberly Clark is NOT cruelty-free or vegan.
This means Kimberly Clark tests on animals directly or through third-parties and uses animal-derived ingredients. Some brands that fall under this category only test on animals where required by law, which means they’re not cruelty-free.
Brands currently owned by Kimberly Clark:
Andrex | Kimtech | Pingos |
Camelia | Kleen Bebe | Plenitud |
Cottonelle | Kleenex | Poise |
Depend | KleenGuard | Pull-Ups |
DryNites | Kotex | Scott |
GoodNites | Kotex Anydays | Scottex |
Green Finger | Kotex GoodFeel | Talo |
Hakle | Kotex White | Tela |
Huggies | Little Swimmers | U by Kotex |
Intimus | Neve | Viva |
Jackson | Page | Wondersoft |
Kimberly Clark Professional | Pe | WypAll |
Kimcare | Petalo |

Company Overview
Kimberly Clark is a multinational personal care company which focuses on producing paper products and was founded in 1872 in Wisconsin. Notable brands include Kleenex, Cottonelle, and Huggies.
The company holds Royal Warrants from Queen Elizabeth II, which means the Queen of England uses their toilet paper, which I find amusing.
Animal Testing Policy
Despite the cruelty-free seeming words in Kimberly Clark’s animal testing policy, they do admit to voluntarily testing on animals:
“Kimberly-Clark does not test our products or ingredients on animals unless required by law, regulation, or a governmental authority or unless no alternative method is available to ensure human safety prior to product use.”
Kimberly Clark sells its products in China, which requires “safety” animal testing by law. But don’t believe for a second that they’re “required” to test on animals because of China’s laws.
The fact remains that no one is forcing them to sell products in mainland China. They have chosen to sell products somewhere that requires animal testing and they are therefore guilty of directly causing unnecessary animal suffering simply to satisfy their own greed.
Most troublesome, is the company admits to testing on animals when “no alternative method is available,” which means they choose to test on animals even when not required by law.
Read their full animal testing policy.
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