Johnson & Johnson is NOT cruelty-free or vegan.
This means Johnson & Johnson tests on animals directly or through third-parties and uses animal-derived ingredients. Some brands that fall under this category only test on animals where required by law, which means they’re not cruelty-free.
Brands currently owned by Johnson & Johnson:
Acuvue | First-Aid | Penaten |
Actifed | Gynol | Pepcid |
Ambi | Healthy Woman | Pepcid AC |
Aveeno | Imodium | Polysporin |
Bactidol | Johnson's Baby | Ponstan |
Band-Aid | Johnson & Johnson Red Cross | Priligy |
Benadryl | Jontex | Provin |
Benecol | K-Y | Quantrel |
Bengay | Lactaid | REACH |
Benylin | Listermint | Reactine |
Bonamine | Lubriderm | Regaine |
Calpol | Luden's | Rembrandt |
Calcough | Meds | Remicade |
Calprofen | Micatin | Roc |
Calgel | Monistat | Rogaine |
Calrub | Micralax | Rolaids |
Carefree | Migraleve | Shower to Shower |
Clean & Clear | Modess | Simply Sleep |
Coach | Motrin | Somponi |
Coach Professional | Motrin Children | Sinutab |
Coach Sport | Myadec | Splenda |
Codral | Mylanta | Stayfree |
Combantrin | Nasalcrom | Steri-Pad |
Compeed | Neko | Stim-u-dent |
Conceptrol | Neosporin | Sudacare |
Cortaid | Neutrogena | Sudafed |
Cortef | Nicoderm | Tucks Pads |
Delfen | Nicorette | Tylenol |
Desitin | Nizoral | Ultracet |
Dolormin | Nu-Gauze | Vania |
E.P.T. | O.B. | Visine |
Efferdent | OneTouch | Zyrtec |
Euthymol | Pediacare |

Company Overview
Johnson & Johnson was founded in New Jersey in 1886, originally focusing on medical devices and personal care items. Today, they are one of the biggest players in the health and personal care arena.
Animal Testing Policy
They openly admit to testing on animals:
“Johnson & Johnson is committed to ensure the ethical treatment of animals used in laboratory settings to advance patient safety and well-being. Johnson & Johnson operating companies have policies and guidelines in place that drive the ethical and humane treatment of the animals we use, and that promote the use of non-animal alternatives whenever feasible.”
They have a slightly different policy for their cosmetic products:
“The Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies does not test cosmetic or personal care products on animals anywhere in the world except in the rare situation where it is required by law or governments.”
This means they do test on animals.
Testing on animals is a requirement for selling products in China, but a company is not required to sell products there. Any company that elects to sell products anywhere that requires animal testing is guilty of directly causing unnecessary animal suffering simply to satisfy their own greed.
Read their full animal testing policy.
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