Henkel is NOT cruelty-free or vegan.
This means Henkel tests on animals directly or through third-parties and uses animal-derived ingredients. Some brands that fall under this category only test on animals where required by law, which means they’re not cruelty-free.
Brands currently owned by Henkel:
[3D]Men | General | Polybit |
Agorex | Gliss Kur | Ponal |
Alexander | Globol | Pravana |
All | Got2b | Prill |
Allume-vite | Grey | Pritt |
Alterna | Guang Ming | Punch |
Antica Erboristeria | Haiermian | Pur |
Aok | Havu Mäntysuopa | Pure Color |
Aquence | Häxan | Purex |
Ariasana | Hidra | Punch Dishmatic |
Bac | Home Mat & Home Keeper | Purex |
Bain de Terre | Hurricane | Re-Nature |
Ballerina | Iba | Renuzit |
Barnängen | Igora | Resistol |
BC Bonacure | Indola | Rex |
Beology | Instanet | Right Guard |
Big D | ipro | Rubson |
Bio Presto | Joico | Sard Wonder |
Blendax | K2r | Schauma |
Blonde | Kenra Professional | Schwarzkopf |
BlondMe | Keratin Color | Scorpio |
Bloom | Kindness | Seah |
Blue Star | Kinsale Candles | Seborin |
Bonderite | Kit Racines | Sellotape |
Boston | Konzil | Septifos |
Bref | Küül | Sexy Hair |
Brilliance | L.A. Looks | Shamtu |
Bruynzeel | La Toja | Sidol |
Bull Glue | Laska | Silan |
Bully | Le Chat | Silhouette |
Cascola | LePage | Sista |
Catch | Licor del Polo | SK Men |
Ceresit | LIVE | Smooth 'N Shine |
Ceresit Stop | Loctite | Snuggle |
Cimsec | Lord Sheraton | Sofix |
Citre Shine | Losk | Soft & Dri |
Clin | Lovables | Soft Scrub |
Clynol | Mad About Curls & Waves | Solvite |
Coast | Magno | Somat |
Cold Power | Makroflex | Sonsanol |
Color & Art | Mas | Spee |
Color Expert | Metylan | Spree |
Coloria | Mont St Michel | Strait Styling |
Combat | Micolor | Sun Laundry & Dish |
Conejo | Mini Risk | Sunlight |
Country Colors | Minidou | Super Coix |
Croc Odor | Mir | Supreme Keratin |
Cucal | Miror | Supreme Selection |
Dac | Mistol | Surf |
Dato | N.A.E. Naturale Antica Erboristeria | Syoss |
Décap’Four | Natural & Easy | Taft |
Deni | Natural Styling | Tangit |
Denivit | Naturelle | tbh -- true beautiful honest |
Dep | nbc | Tec Italy |
Der General | Nectar Color | Technomelt |
Diadem | Nelsen | Tenn |
Diadermine | Neutrakal | Teraxyl |
Dial | Neutrex | Teroson |
Diosa | Neutromed | Terra |
Dixan | Nitromors | Theramed |
Dixan Piatti | Nordic Blonde | Thicker Fuller Hair |
Dixi | Novelle | Tolu |
Doigts Nets | Oil Ultime | Tone |
Drago | Only Love | UniBond |
Dry Idea | Opti | Vademecum |
Dum Dum | Osi | Vape |
Dylon | Osis+ | Vapona |
Dylon Colour Catcher | Osis+ Session Label | Vernel |
Dynamo | Oust Descalers | Vigor |
E | Palette | Viking |
Eau Ecarlate | Paon Essence Rich | Vim |
Econ | Patrice | Viva |
ElastoSello | Pattex | Vu |
Eparcyl | Pattex Chemoprén | WC Frisch |
Essensity | Pemolux | WD-40 |
Estrella | Pemos | Wipp Express |
Fa | Perfax | Witte Reus |
Fab | Perlan | Weißer Riese |
Fester | Perlana | WK Ultra |
Fewa | Perfect Mousse | X-TRA |
Fibreplex | Persil | Xtreme |
Fix Polvo | Pert | Zen'sect |
Fleuril | Perwoll | Zero Frizz |
Freshlight | Poly Color Cream Hair | Zotos Professional |
Furia | Poly Swing |

Company Overview
Henkel is a seriously HUGE multinational, founded in 1876 in Germany.
They manufacture and develop products in the personal care, home care, adhesive, categories in the consumer and industrial sectors. Notable brands include Loctite, Persil, Snuggle, Dial, and Fa.
Animal Testing Policy
Henkel claims to make efforts to avoid animal testing, but openly admits to testing when and where they or a government (such as China) deem it “necessary:”
“Henkel only ever uses such tests if required by legal regulations or if no accepted alternative test methods are available for obtaining the necessary safety data.”
This means Henkel does test on animals.
Read their full animal testing policy.
Looking for cruelty-free brands?
Browse my curated list of cruelty-free brands to find brands that are 100% vegan and 100% cruelty-free.