GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is NOT cruelty-free or vegan.
This means GlaxoSmithKline tests on animals directly or through third-parties and uses animal-derived ingredients. Some brands that fall under this category only test on animals where required by law, which means they’re not cruelty-free.
Brands currently owned by GlaxoSmithKline:
Abreva | Eumovate | Odol-med3 |
Alli | Excedrin | Os-cal |
Aquafresh | Fenbid | Otrivin |
Astring O Sol | Flonase | Panadeine |
Beechams Cold & Flu | Formigran | Panadol |
Bianca | FuelMax | Parodontax |
Biotène | Grand-PA | Polident |
Boost | Hinds | Poligrip |
Breathe Right | Horlicks | Piriteze |
Cetebe | Horlicks Promind | Piriton |
Chlorhexamed | Junior Horlicks | ProMax |
Cholinex | Iodex | Rutinoscorbin |
Citrucel | Iodosan | Scott's Emulsion |
Coldrex | Lean | Sculptress |
Contac | Macleans | Sensodyne |
Commit | Maltova | Shumitect |
Committed Quitters | Maxinutrition | Solpadeine |
Corega | Medacalm | Super Wernet's |
Corsodyl | Nicabate | Synthol |
Crocin | NicoDerm | Theraflu |
Cyclone | Nicorette | Tums |
Dolex | Nicotinell | Viva |
Dr. Best | NiQuitin | Voltaren |
ENO | Odol | Zovirax |

Company Overview
GlaxoSmithKline (sometimes stylized “GSK” or “Glaxo Smith Kline”) is a GIANT British multinational pharmaceutical company founded in 2000 upon the merger of Glaxo Wellcome (founded 1873 in New Zealand) and SmithKline Beecham (founded 1848 in England).
Because they are a pharmaceutical company, they do conduct animal testing as every major government in the world currently requires animal testing for prescribed and over the counter drugs and medications.
Additionally, they conduct animal testing for their non-drugs products, such as toothpaste.
The company has been the center of numerous controversies regarding false advertising claims, fraud, drug safety (which resulted in deaths), market manipulation, bribery, and violation of anti-trust laws. These guys are BAD.
Animal Testing Policy
GlaxoSmithKline does test on animals, but tries to excuse it by stating that they provide animals food, water, and housing and attempt to minimize their pain and distress throughout the run of their experiments:
“We follow scientific principles to ensure that we prevent or minimize pain and distress before, during, and after experimental procedures.”
Honestly, judging from the sheer amount of controversies this company has been involved in regarding corruption and their repeated demonstration of a complete lack of ethics, I seriously doubt GlaxoSmithKline does anything above the bare minimum required by law for the animals they experiment on and it’s highly likely they do even less than that.
Read their full animal testing policy.
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